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It’s Not Rocket Science

February 24, 2015Lee Hilton

“Engineers love sharing spectacular failures on the way to surprising success, because they consider each failed experiment as a tool in their toolkit, something they now know not to do.” - It’s Not Rocket Science by Mary Spio

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Visual seperation is important, doesn't one think?

Helpful Coda 2 Tips

February 18, 2015Kevia Cloud

I have been using Coda 2 for a while now and like most people I probably only use about 5% of Coda’s awesome features. In our day to day workflows we as developers rarely have time to dive deep into the tools we use. We figure out the bare minimum to get coding and we are off.

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Visual seperation is important, doesn't one think?

Why We Hate Internet Explorer

February 11, 2015Margaret Hilliard

Hipster Creative takes pride in our cross browser compatibility and testing, but we don’t gaurantee that every browser will render your site perfectly. Unless you specifically ask otherwise, we only support IE 9 and later. But why? IE doesn’t follow the rules. You’d be amazed to see how much time can go into getting a...View Article

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Visual seperation is important, doesn't one think?
Visual seperation is important, doesn't one think?

Why Responsive?

January 25, 2015Margaret Hilliard

Not everyone can be into things before they hit the mainstream. I forgive those who still think that liking the movies Choke and Fight Club make them so original, even though they never read the books that proceeded them. On the other hand, if your website isn’t responsive, SHAME. Responsive sites are those sites that...View Article

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Visual seperation is important, doesn't one think?

Be All My Bits Committed

January 24, 2015Lee Hilton

To coffee, or not to coffee, that is the question: Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer The fuzz and fatigue of outrageous php Or to take reports against a sea of regressions, And by testing end them. To code, to debug; No more; and by a coffee to say we commit The heartache,...View Article

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